Updated 10.04.2019

Article I


Tristate Healthcare Simulation Consortium
Here after referred to as the Consortium
NOTE: This is the registered name of the organization for non-profit status.

Article II


To provide an opportunity for support, collaboration and networking for healthcare professional skills and simulation educators in the Tristate region of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky.

Article III


Section I

Members of the consortium shall consist of simulation and skills lab educators in the tristate region. Membership is achieved via an individual request to be included on the membership list.

Section II

All members may vote, hold office and serve on committees.

Article IV

Officers and Duties

Section I

There shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Education Director, Technology Director, and 2 Members at Large.

Section II

Officers of the organization will comprise the board. Any member of the consortium may attend the board meetings in the last 15 minutes to bring forth recommendations.

Section III

The board shall set the calendar and plan the agenda for the board meetings and general membership meetings. The President will preside at all meetings of the consortium. The President will present recommendations from the Board to the general membership. In the absence of the President, the Vice President will preside.

Section IV

The Vice President shall assist the President and use this term of office to become familiar with the responsibilities of the office of President. The Vice President shall serve as chair of the meetings in the absence of the President. In the event the President cannot serve the full term of office, the Vice President shall assume the office of President. The Vice President will serve as President in the following term of office.

Section V

The Education Director will recommend events and conferences on the website in coordination with the Technology Director. He/she will coordinate continuing education hours as needed. The Education Director shall also coordinate and keep a vendor list. This position shall serve as backup to the President and Vice President in their absence.

Section VI

The Secretary will keep the minutes and attendance of the board meetings and general membership meetings. He/she will make them available to the membership via the website. The Secretary will maintain an updated e-mail list of the membership of the consortium. He/she will weekly monitor and respond to consortium email account.

Section VII

The Treasurer will secure and track funds of the consortium. He/she will keep records and pay bills as appropriate. All funds of the consortium will be utilized for educational purposes as determined by the board.



Section VIII

The Technology Director shall oversee and monitor the management of the website and social media maintained in the name of the consortium. He/she will work with the Education Director and Secretary to keep the website and social media current.

Section IX

Members at Large will attend board meetings, make recommendations, assist in planning, and ad hoc duties as needed.

Section X

Nominations of new officers will be held at the spring general meeting. After nominations are solicited from the membership, election will take place at the next meeting. The board members have the authority to appoint a person to fulfill the term of office of any elected position if the elected officer is unable to complete the term.

Section XI

The term of office of all board members is 2 years. In general, the term of office will beginĀ  August 1st after the election.

Article V


Section I

Board meetings will be held prior to each general meeting or as called by the President. General membership meetings will be held every other month.

Section II

Decisions of the consortium will be made by the board and brought to the members present at a general meeting for a majority vote.



Article VI


Section I

By-laws may be amended by a majority vote of members at a general meeting. Proposals for by-law amendments may be initiated by any member.

Section II

By-laws are reviewed each year at the first meeting of the new board.